Essay towards safe
Women in the Infantry
Today, human being of the biggest debates over women’s rights is the single over females being in the foot. The world is changing and by that comes a lot more bounden duty for policy makers, and there is a excessive debate over women being on the make a ~ to lines. Women have been in the Military on the side of quite some time, but not in a head line type of role. I have power to see both sides of the abstract; the one that wants people to widen their views and accept women in the infantry, and the other side that sees at at the same time that more of a male type of thesis. There are many pros and cons to the Military allowing women in struggle positions, and I believe that space of time women should be allowed to possess a chance in the infantry, the standards stand in want of to be the same whether it is a staminate or female.
When the Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta sequestered the barriers of women being in the foot it opened up 237,000 jobs to women. Around 53,000 positions are closed to women ~ dint of. units, such as Brigade Combat Teams in the Army. Panetta declared that “if members of the army meet the qualifications for the work at ~s- not reduced qualifications- then they should be obliged the right to serve.” The same argument can be made for having gays in the warlike. I don’t believe that they should exist excluded, but I do believe they should consider to keep their personal life to themselves. I agree through Panetta’s statement saying that whether they are qualified then women should exist able to serve. And the Secretary of Defense moreover stated that if women were allowed in the foot-soldiers, it would gain them respect with the men who already serve. When men argue that women can’t support 80 pounds of gear, fly fighter jets for the reason that they can’t handle the g-force, or fight on the front lines with men, I think those people to subsist uneducated. There are plenty of men who try and join the soldiers who can’t carry the gear, can’t handle g-force, or are overmuch squeamish to fight on the front lines. So if there are women who be able to make it...
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