Wednesday, December 25, 2013


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George Wright, “Sport and Globalisation,” Olympic Review, October/ November, 1999.

George Wright, “Globalisation and Sport,” Debate, New Political Economy, July, 1999.

This grant aims to assess the relationship betwixt sport and globali-zation. Capitalism has through all ages. been global, while national economies receive been situated in the global collection process. But since the late 1960s, capitalism has been restructured to a punctilio where today it has become again globalized than ever. This restructuring can be understood on economic, political and ideological levels. The household level is characterized by an hastening of global production processes, a just discovered international division of labor based in c~tinuance low paid, flexible, labor relations, and strange international marketing strategies. These changes obtain led to the acceleration of the destruction and concentration of capital, resulting in most remote wealth and income disparities worldwide. Global restructuring has been expedited through new computer and satellite telecommu-nication technologies that acquire emerged in the past 20 years.

On the public level, governments have abolished Keynesian approaches, intensified the dismantling of the public sector, deregulated the economy, and bear taken steps to weaken organized labor. This national project (called neo-liberalism) has resulted in the subserviency of national sovereignty to the prescriptions of international treaty regimes, such as Bretton Woods (the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank), Maastricht and the North American Free Trade Agreement, etc. What this estate is that Transnational Corporations and Banks acquire increasingly more power than nation-states past controlling national economies. The neo-advocate of ~ principles project has also inculcated a "unconstrained-market" ideological climate which dominates notorious life and political discourse throughout the terraqueous globe. The globalization of sport can too be understood on...

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