Friday, June 20, 2014

Curriculum Proposal

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Curriculum Proposal
Tittle of Curriculum Proposal: A BTEC in Sports Coaching and Development

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My role is as a preceptor on our BTEC course as well of the same kind with to oversee the foundation degree methodical arrangement in coaching. As we are a registered benignity at the football club, we be possible to use the power of the brand to incentivise learning in the classroom through the football unite in a ~. Learners are inspired by the environment created and strive to surpass in the subjects they are studying. So in great part we have 80 learners signed up steady all of the courses and air to expand into diverse subjects to draw different learners into our department and good turn from our facilities and knowledge around the club. As we are a non-produce organisation, all profits must be used to tend back into improving the work already being done or to come up by new ideas for projects to popularity. This is a massive opportunity to advance in successive more education courses that will be useful to the city of Bristol and the young lower classes looking to study an academic or adapted to practice subject. The potential barriers for the menses are that there are a figure of well-established sixth form and colleges right and left the areas and in Bristol that students automatically speculate of when applying for further training. The awareness of the courses could subsist greatly improved through publicity and word of mouth to attract these learners. However, our process has been recognised as a characteristic programme of delivery which encompasses platonic studies with the practical experiences by the side of. Rationale:

In Bristol there are not manifold opportunities to coach a sports team to a powerfully standard with the lack of facilities that the city has to offer. Therefore coaching at grassroots flush needs to be high quality to such a degree there is more of a demand for facilities and a better ensign of sport across the city. As well taken in the character of this, teachers in schools have a extremely basic knowledge of how to extend sports sessions due to lack or tuition or understanding of these different...

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